A guide to learn more about ADU regulation and zoning in San Jose, CA
We are here to help you with information and knowledge looking for permitting guide to build ADU in San Jose

City of San Jose, is the cultural, financial, and political center of Silicon Valley and the largest city in Northern California, by both population and area.
San Jose, CA has one of the best supported ADU programs in the Bay Area. Although each city has its own planning and building department that address questions related to construction and building regulation, San Jose excels with fast-response email service and a comprehensive, yet digestible online resource. You can visit San Jose’s ADU support page here: https://www.sanjoseca.gov/business/development-services-permit-center/accessory-dwelling-units-adus or contact their ADU Ally via email or phone at adu.ally@sanjoseca.gov or (408) 793-5302.
City of San José: Building Department Contact Information
Phone Number: (408) 793-5302
Email Address: adu.ally@sanjoseca.gov
General Resource: https://www.sanjoseca.gov/your-government/departments/planning-building-code-enforcement/building-division
Secondary Dwelling Resource: https://www.sanjoseca.gov/business/development-services-permit-center/accessory-dwelling-units-adus
ADU Application: Download PDF
City of San Jose: Building Division
200 E. Santa Clara St.
Tower, 2nd Floor
San José, CA 95113